Paolo Tordiglione, MD PhD

Medical specialist in Anesthesiology, Critical Medicine e Pain Therapy. First level Medical Director at the University Hospital Policlinico Umberto I. PhD in Neuroscience, Sapienza di Roma.

After twenty years of traditional medicine, aimed at acquiring more medical knowledge in an attempt to cure serious pathologies I felt the duty to implement a radical change: to go from the frustration of reviving people just to keep them alive to actually saving life. Molecular medicine has allowed me to intercept the state of the disease at an early stage.
I have also tried to tend to the human soul at an earlier stage when the state of well-being has already been altered but has not yet crossed the threshold of the pathology

Thanks to technology, doctors today have the opportunity to discover, capture and therefore cure the disease before it manifests itself in a full-blown manner.
It is therefore possible to combat a lifestyle characterized by rhythms that lead to a state of perpetual stress; optimize the nutrition to make it a source of strength; and intercept a state of silent inflammation, which untreated erodes away on a deep level.

Professional Studies

  • 2019 → Accademia Meccanismi Molecolari

    Isof -CNR Bologna
    Science Director: Prof.ssa Carla Ferreri
  • 2018 → Microbiota Course

    MyMicribiota Piacenza;
    Science Director: Francesco Di Pierro
  • 2018 → Bio Medicine Academy

    Paracelsus Clinic-Switzerland;
    Scientific Director: Dr. Thomas Rau
  • 2014-2015 → Master in Vascular Access: Management and Implantation Università degli Studi di Roma “Sapienza”, Policlinico Umberto I, Viale Regina Elena 324, Roma IT

    Università degli Studi di Roma “Sapienza”, Policlinico Umberto I, Viale Regina Elena 324, 00161 Roma (IT)
  • 2012 → Advanced studies in Oxygen –Ozone Medical Therapy

    Università degli Studi di Siena;
    Science Director: Prof. V. Bocci
  • 2012 → Theoretical and Practical Course in Different Aspects of Ozone Therapy. Low Dose Concept Guidelines and Treatment Strategies

    German medical Association of Ozone Application in Prevention and Therapy – Member of the European Cooperation of Medical Ozone Societies, Reha-Klinic Höhenblick, Baden Baden (DD)
  • 2009-2013 → Doctorate of Neuroscience Research, Maxillofacial Surgery and Auditory Pathologies(Class DOT 06)Final Thesis: Ozone Therapy: Effects on Cerebral Circulation Department of Neurological Sciences, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, Roma (IT)

    Classe DOT 06), tesi finale dal titolo “Ozono Terapia: Effetti sul Circolo Cerebrale; Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma (IT).
  • 2009 → 2009 Course: Neuro- Kinesiology and Clinical Neuro-Posturology Co Gemmer italia, Via Prade 2, 31040 Guia, Valdobbiadene Treviso (IT)

    Gemmer italia, Via Prade 2, 31040 Guia, Valdobbiadene Treviso (IT)
  • 1997-2001 → Specialization in Anesthesia and Reanimation Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Policlinico Umberto I, Viale Regina Elena 324, Roma (IT)

    Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Policlinico Umberto I, Viale Regina Elena 324, 00161 Roma (IT).
    Focus on Hiperbaric therapy with final thesis: Role of the PFO in decompression illness. Grade: 61/70
  • 1997→ Master in Newborn Intensive Therapy

    Università degli Studi di Roma “Sapienza”, Policlinico Umberto I, Viale Regina Elena 324, 00161 Roma (IT)
  • 1989-1996 → Degree in Medicine and Surgery

    Università degli Studi di Roma “Sapienza”, Policlinico Umberto I, Viale Regina Elena 324, 00161 Roma IT.
    Thesis on Anesthesia and Reanimation: Difficult intubation in Maxillofacial surgery: Our experiences. Grade:110 cum laude .

Your medical pathway:



The disease is the epiphenomenon of a much older path, which has its roots in an altered functioning of normal biological processes, of previous onset. The protracted absence of all the elements for the proper functioning of the vital mechanisms entails stress and imbalance which on chronic level can give rise to the pathological phenomenon. My commitment is to accompany the individual on a path that teaches them to consciously take care of their state of health using a personalized strategy that uses diagnostic techniques which analyze the health of the cell. Each person must be able to take advantage of a personalized medical path that on the one hand stimulates him or her to remain in a state of well-being, and on the other hand helps him or her to more effectively counter any pathophysiological process that may have been triggered by whatever natural cause. The long medical-scientific experience developed both on a practical basis, and through study has pushed me to an even greater knowledge and acquisition of the principles of Biological Medicine, the guiding principle of which is the protection of the human biosystem: to cure by supporting and restoring the person's own self-healing abilities, respecting their balance and integrity. The integrative approach of Integrated Systemic Medicine deals with the relationships that link the biological (individual as a whole) and sociological (the surrounding environment), their mutual adjustment, as well as the continuous field of relationships that exist between the various levels, starting from the genetic ones, through the molecular ones and up to the social ones.
Medicina molecolare


DNA / Epigenetics: what you are predisposed to
DNA gives the the body its predisposition to certain conditions, stimuli and responses. It is the most fixed, most distinctive part of each of us and cannot be changed. In epigenetics, DNA is not studied as whole, but the expression of genes. Genetic SNPs highlight the characteristics of each person in terms of deficiencies and predispositions.
The membrane profile: interaction capacity
It evaluates with precision the composition of the cell membrane, understanding at a molecular level its ability to transfer information in and out. The high definition of a good communication and functional abilities is the basis of good tissue and organ functioning.
Mineralogram: evaluation of homeostasis - the environment in which you live in
The minerals present in the body are extremely important for catalyzing a series of biological mechanisms. Their imbalance inevitably has repercussions with chronic metabolic distress for all biological-cellular systems; it is also useful in detecting the presence of heavy metals which are a source of intoxication.
Intestinal microbiota: second brain
A good bacterial flora is of fundamental importance for the regular functioning of the intestine. The altered composition of the flora (dysbiosis) not only alters intestinal absorption but has wide-ranging repercussions such as autoimmunity, chronic silent inflammation and neurovegetative disorders.
Postural analysis: physical balance
The perception of one's body in space is of fundamental importance for a balanced posture. The proprioceptive evaluation of the musculoskeletal system has the aim of reducing and eliminating alll those compensation mechanisms that are at the basis of the painful problems of the spine and not only. Furthermore, the resetting of a correct posture prevents on all those potential traumas that can occur from an altered equilibrium.
Approccio medico sistemico


Oxygen Ozone therapy
A treatment with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving action. Ozone is a therapeutic adjuvant used and studied for the treatment of serious chronic pathologies.
Chelation therapy
A drug therapy that uses chelation to treat some forms of intoxication due to heavy metals, and has the purpose of extracting heavy metals from the tissues in the blood. It can be used for preventive and therapeutic purposes.
Each living organism is a system in continuous adaptation both to the external environment and to its own internal environment; the cells emit their own physiological electromagnetic frequency which can be altered in pathological or stressful conditions. The treatment, painless and non-invasive, aims to restore the necessary and correct flow of information between the cells to achieve the individual's state of balance and well-being.
Eubiosi restoration

Always together to a medical team of specialists